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The role and requirements of quenching and cooling equipment

Keywords:Quenching,cooling,cooling equipment,quenching equipment,quenching medium,quenching oil tank,quenching cooling equipment,heat exchange,quenching parts,process requirements,heat treatment,steam film,cooling strength

The role and requirements of quenching and cooling equipment
  Quenching and cooling equipment is to control the composition, temperature, flow rate, pressure and motion state of quenching cooling medium to meet the purpose of obtaining the expected structure and performance of the quenched parts. Therefore, the control of the above cooling parameters is a problem considered in the design and application of quenching and cooling equipment.
  The quenching and cooling process has the characteristics of instantaneous completion and the interaction of temperature field, phase transition field, and stress / strain field during the cooling process, which makes the quenching and cooling process very complicated. In order to meet the requirements of the design criteria of the quenching and cooling equipment, the quenching oil tank provided by Chengchi Industrial Furnace is one of the most advanced quenching and cooling equipment on the market. Therefore, the design of quenching and cooling equipment should be guided by small batches of experimental research, and on the basis of achieving good results, unequal functional requirements for quenching and cooling are proposed. In other words, the design and application of quenching and cooling equipment revolves around meeting the actual quenching process requirements.
The role and requirements of quenching and cooling equipment
The role and requirements of quenching and cooling equipment
  To provide quenching parts with cooling conditions that meet the requirements is the basic requirement for quenching and cooling equipment. Among them, under the premise of meeting the cooling strength requirements, it is important to consider the uniformity of cooling, that is to say, as far as possible to achieve uniform heat exchange between the workpiece and the quenching medium in the cooling steam film stage and boiling stage. This requires heat treatment engineers and equipment design engineers to cooperate on product objects, and finally achieve the quenching and cooling equipment designed to meet the process requirements.

More The role and requirements of quenching and cooling equipment:http://www.industrial-furnace.com/articles/quenching_cooling_equipment.html

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